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Formação de oficiais do CMB na IFAPA

The project

What is MUDAR about?

The Mudar project (Mozambique Integrated Urban Development by Actions and Relationships: Empowering Local Governance) is a decentralized cooperation project between two local authorities: the Autonomous Province of Trento (PAT), in Italy, and the Conselho Municipal da Beira (CMB), in Mozambique.

The MUDAR project aims to promote integrated urban development and strengthen local governance in order to improve the living conditions of the population of Beira, Mozambique, in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


The project will be active in Beira, the capital of the Sofala Province, one of the largest cities in Mozambique.

The city is divided into planned areas (hosting 45.45% of the urban population), which have better buildings, road networks and services (e.g. sewerage, water and electricity), and unplanned areas (50.46% of the population), with precarious buildings and infrastructures. The latter are more vulnerable to flooding and the impact of adverse events caused by climate change. Moreover, social and economic conditions in these areas are more precarious.

Due to the destruction caused by the cyclone Idai in 2019 and – to a lesser extent – by Eloise in January 2021, compounded by the effects of Covid-19, access of the Beira population to adequate socio-economic infrastructures has worsened, especially in already vulnerable neighborhoods.

In particular, the Macuti neighborhood, a settlement located on sandy and clayey soil that extends southwards along the coast, with a population of approximately 25,000, is one of the most challenging and representative examples of Beira’s problematic urban development.

The Municipality also faces several organizational challenges. In particular, given the limited financial and technical resources, CMB lacks an adequate number of properly trained human resources. MUDAR helps foster the transition of the Municipality by providing not only tools, but also skills and capacities to better administrate the Municipality and to deliver high-quality public services.

It is for these reasons that Provincia Autonoma di Trento (PAT), in collaboration with Conselho Municipal da Beira (CMB), Università degli Studi di Trento, Universidade Zambeze and Instituto de Formação em Administração Pública e Autárquica (IFAPA), set out to promote integrated urban development and better living conditions in Beira with the MUDAR project.

Who is involved in the MUDAR project?

The project aims to involve different actors including:

  • city councilors and managers of the Conselho Municipal da Beira – CMB;
  • administrative and technical staff of CMB’s Departments;
  • Micro Small and Medium Enterprises;
  • Community Based Organizations;
  • citizens of the Macuti neighbourhood (Bairro de Macuti);
  • trainers of the Instituto de Formação em Administração Pública e Autárquica (IFAPA);
  • Universidade Zambeze

Duration: three years.

About us

Autonomous Province of Trento

Lead applicant
Trentino, as it is commonly called, is an italian autonomous province, part of the Trentino Alto Adige region located in a mountain area in the north-east of the country. The capital Trento counts around 550,000 inhabitants.

Zambeze University

As a Public Institution of Higher Education, UniZambeze was established in 2009 and fosters advanced education, research and innovation

Consortium of associations with Mozambique – CAM

Implementing partner
Non-profit association set up in 2002 to coordinate a community cooperation programme on the relationship between Trentino and Mozambique, working in particular in the Province of Sofala

Beira City Council

The city is located on the Indian Ocean coast in the central part of the country. it is the second largest city in Mozambique and capital of the province of Sofala

Training Institute for Public and Municipal Administration of Beira

IFAPA Beira is a public institution dedicated to training and capacity building of public sector employees in Mozambique

University of Trento

The University of Trento is a state institution founded in 1962, with more than 16,000 students, about 600 professors and researchers

Centre for International Cooperation

Affiliated entity
Association engaged in analysis, information, training and promotion of knowledge on issues of international cooperation, European affairs, peace and human rights