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Project Activities

To achieve the project’s objective, three interconnected axes of intervention were identified.

The first axis is dedicated to capacity-building and consists of a training program starting in February 2023 and extending throughout the project duration, until April 2025. It involves the Municipality of Beira, IFAPA and the CCI.

The training is designed as follows: for each theme, there will be a training part for IFAPA trainers in e-learning mode, managed by the CCI. This will be followed by an in-person training for the Beira City Council, managed by IFAPA.

In addition, the capacity-building axis includes learning by doing and, to this end, a community of practice will be created in order to increase everyone’s knowledge by sharing experiences.

This last activity introduces us to the second pillar of the MUDAR project: the pilot project in the Macuti neighborhood.  It is intended to be a field experiment, already identified during the drafting phase of the project, which will serve to put into practice the knowledge acquired and to launch innovative services for the Macuti neighborhood.

The intervention will be monitored by the Consortium of Associations with Mozambique and the Municipality of Beira, based on the study by the University of Trento in cooperation with the Unizambese University.

This is the link that connects us to the third and final pillar of the project, namely digitisation and job creation. 

In this section, digital services and the activation of services that can enable job creation will be tested.

The activity will be accompanied by CAM together with Informáticos sem Fronteira, the Municipality of Beira and other public or private actors in the city.